Bioinformatics projects at Institut Curie


CGH-array, ChIP-chip, ChIP-Seq, SNP (Genome)

Title Description
CAPweb CGH array Analysis Pipeline on the WEB
CLUSTERING CGH array data Clustering
GLAD Chromosomal breakpoint detection in array CGH experiments (Gain and Loss Analysis of DNA)
MANOR CGH array data normalization
MIRAGE Detection of MInimal Recurrent Alterations in the tumor GEnomes
TUPHYL Analysis of the phylogeny of tumors
ChIP-chip ChIP-chip data analysis
MICSA Transcription factor binding site extraction from ChIP-Seq data by de novo identification of consensus motifs
SVDetect Detection of genomic structural variations from paired-end or mate-pair sequencing data
ITALICS An algorithm for normalization and DNA copy number calling for Affymetrix SNP arrays

Gene Expression (Transcriptome)

Title Description
ITTACA Integrated Tumor Transcriptome Array and Clinical data Analysis
TRAP Transcriptome-Array Analysis Pipeline
  New methods for microarray data analysis

Protein Identification (Proteome)

Title Description
ProMS Proteome analysis using Mass Spectrometry

Protein-Protein Interaction (Interactome)

Title Description
DrosoMan Drosophilia-Human 2 hybrid data analysis

Computational Systems Biology of Cancer (web-page)

Title Description
SITCON Modeling SIgnal Transduction induced by EWS/FLI-1 Chimeric ONcogene
BiNoM BIological NetwOrk Manager
NETI Network reverse engineering
RB-pathway Comprehensive map of molecular interactions in RB-pathway
MATBRAC Mathematical theory of biological robustness with experimental applications in cancer systems biology
ESBIC-D European Systems Biology Initiative combating complex diseases(finished)
SHARP A Pathways database for human and fly, Institut Curie node
KernelChip Kernel methods for joint analysis of microarrays, pathways and clinical data(finished)


Title Description
CGHAIA CGH-array and Analysis Databases for human and mouse
HuTuDB Human Tumor Databases (Clinical data)
ITTACA Integrated Tumor Transcriptome Array and Clinical data Analysis
ProMS Proteome analysis using Mass Spectrometry data
SHARP A Pathways database for human and fly, Institut Curie node
Genecards Mirror site of the Genecards functional database
Microarrays Public repository of Institut Curie microarray related data
ACTUDB ACTuDB : a database compiling the Array-CGH data of Tumors

Image Analysis

Title Description
MAIA Microarray Automatic Image Analysis

User Interfaces

Title Description
VAMP Visualisation and Analysis of CGH arrays, transcriptome and other Molecular Profiles

Data Analysis

Title Description
RAS-APC Analysis for RAS-APC mouse microarrays
Sequence On demand sequence fonctional analysis (internal only)
  Time replication data analysis in Neuroblastoma