This analysis of the Ras and Wnt pathways by microarrays is a joined work of
Normal jejunum mucosa tissue from transgenic animals pVillin-KrasV12G
Pool of 6 small tumors from two Ras animals, from jejunum, size 1-2mm
Pool of 3 large tumors from two Ras animals, from jejunum, size 3-5mm
Normal jejunum mucosa tissue from double transgenic mice : pVillin-K-rasV12G/Apc1638N
Pool of large tumors from two RasAPC animals.
Before Normalization | ... After Normalization |
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The arrays on the right side depict the normalized values of the arrays on the left side. The normalized arrays clearly show much more homogeneous (unbiased) values. |
We selected genes present in at least 90% of the arrays, and for which the absolute value of normalized log-ratio M is larger than 2.5 in at least 3 arrays. 203 genes were selected. We also applied a threshold of 2, which selected 447 genes and gave very similar clustering results.
The hierarchical clustering was performed using the agnes (Agglomerative Nesting) implementation included in the R package cluster ( Ihaka & Gentleman ). We tested different pairs of array / gene similarity metric (from among the euclidean distance, the Pearson correlation coefficient) and cluster similarity metric (from among the average linkage, the complete linkage and the Ward's method). We chose the pair which leads to the best agglomerative coefficient. The agglomerative coefficient (AC) measures the clustering structure of the dataset : AC=mean(1-m(i)) where m(i) denotes the dissimilarity of the observation i to the first cluster it is merged with, divided by the dissimilarity of last two clusters merged by the algorithm.
We used the Euclidean distance as the array similarity metric and the complete linkage as cluster similarity metric.
We used the Pearson correlation coefficient as the gene similarity metric and the Ward’s method as cluster similarity metric.
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The left tree represents the clustering of the arrays. It clearly separates the different groups of tissues of the transgenic mice: ras normal tissue (rasN47, rasN67, rasN70, rasN74), ras tumoral tissue, small tumours (rasT148, rasT168, rasT172, rasT175),ras tumoral tissue, large tumours (rasT149, rasT169, rasT173, rasT176), rasApc normal tissue (rasAPCN1, rasAPCN2, rasAPCN55, rasAPCN56, rasAPCN91, rasAPCN92) and rasApc tumoral tissue (rasAPCN3, rasAPCN4, rasAPCN57, rasAPCN58, rasAPCN93, rasAPCN94). Moreover it separates clearly in two branches the 2 mouse models : Ras animals vs. compound mutant RasApc mice. The tree on the top represents the clustering of genes: we can distinguish some clusters that allow the differentiation between the different types of mice. |
- Ras normal tissue vs. Ras tumoral tissueTo identify genes that are differentially expressed, we used the detection procedure called Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) (Tusher & Tibshirani, PNAS, 2001), as implemented in the R package siggenes (Gentleman and al., 2004).
- Ras tumoral tissue: small vs. large tumours, corresponding to tumour progession
- Ras Apc normal tissue vs. Ras Apc tumoral tissue
- Ras tumoral tissue vs. Ras Apc tumoral tissue
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This plot represents, in green, the differentially expressed genes for the selected FDR between normal and tumoral tissue in Ras transgenic mice. |
Detailed results will be soon available online.