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Assuming that such paired profiles have been loaded within VAMP (see section 4.4 for an example), the analysis can be launched from the menu Tools
Correlation Analysis
Figure 3.67:
- ``Compute'' Dialog for Correlation Analysis.
Several parameters can be chosen to run a Correlation Analysis
- scope:
- should correlation coefficients be calculated on all data or only on selected regions (if any) ?
- criteria:
- should correlation coefficients be calculated from copy number ratios, or from smoothed copy number values given by GLAD ?
- correlation:
- which type of correlation coefficient should be used ?The Pearson correlation coefficient measures the extent to which the association between copy number and expression is linear; its sensitivity to outliers makes it suitable to detect associations within regions that are amplified in only few samples. The Spearman correlation coefficient is the Pearson coefficient between measurements ranks; it is therefore robust to outliers and able to detect non-linear associations
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Previous: 3.3.11 Correlation Analysis
2007 - Institut Curie Bioinformatics unit