Target Running Sum - is a rank-based method to detect key microRNA regulators.


TargetRunningSum is a rank-based method to detect key microRNA regulators. It computes an enrichment profile based on both the correlation between gene and miRNA expression levels and the confidence of sequence based target prediction. This tool is intended for genome-wide studies and requires as input whole genome miRNA and gene expression profiles from the same biological samples and sequence based predicted miRNA target sets. As final result it returns miRNAs showing statistically significant enrichment score, which can bed considered as potential regulators in the analyzed conditions. Written in 2013 by Loredana Martignetti and Bruno Tesson in the Computational Systems Biology of Cancer group at Institut Curie. Released in 2014.


Zipped file with scripts and data

Unpacking the package will provide R scripts and two breast cancer data sets used for case study.


Computational Systems Biology of Cancer group at Institut Curie